All posts tagged: Jesus Christ

Crowdsourcing Kids Gives Clean Water to Entire Village

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Crowdsourcing Kids launched on World Water Day 2018. In less than a year elephant sales  have helped fund four well-drilling projects, bringing clean water to thousands of people! Last fall the children that sold elephants made it possible for Water of Life to drill a well in the village of Gorrepadu. This is a life-changing gift for the 1506 people that call this village home.

the gift of Clean water

Village receives clean water thanks to Crowdsourcing Kids

People in this village in India now have access to clean drinking water thanks to Crowdsourcing Kids. This well was completely funded because 50 kids sold boxes of handmade elephants! This was an answer to prayer for the people here who struggle to secure work because they’re often focused on finding water. This is a life changing gift for them!

Drinking clean water from th enew well

Taking a drink of clean water from the new well.

The plaque installed at the base of the new well says “This bore well is dedicated to Jesus Christ.” It also shares a Bible verse, John 4:14, “But whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst.”

Plaque hanging at new well

Plaque hanging at new well

On World Water Day 2019 we will be launching another round of Crowdsourcing Kids. This is a chance for 50 more kids to be part of funding a well-drilling project in India. If you would like to get your child involved, you can purchase a box of elephants on March 22. On World Water Day we will launch the next round of Crowdsourcing Kids. Sign up to be on the waiting list now!

Village residents enjoying new well

Village residents enjoying new well

AlisonCrowdsourcing Kids Gives Clean Water to Entire Village
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