Round #8 is officially DONE! We are so proud of all of the kids who pitched in to sell elephants and spread the word about Set Free so that another well could be drilled in India. This well provided clean water to 6,500 people in Southern India, thanks to 50 kids here in America that decided they wanted to make it happen!
To date, Crowdsourcing Kids have provided clean water to 28,017 people since we launched five years ago. Ready to do it again!? We’re launching Round #9 on Wednesday, November 1st. Here’s what this round will look like:
- Each kit will include 9 small elephant ornaments, and 1 large elephant ornament handmade by young ladies rescued from slavery in India.
- Crowdsourcing Kids will sell the 9 elephants for $12 each, and the large elephant for $17, generating $125 for Set Free.
- When 50 kids each do that, we’ll have enough money to drill our 9th well in India! We’ll be able to give the gift of clean water to a village that has waited a long time for this simple resource.
Ready to get involved and be a world changer!? We’d love for you to get join!